Brand assets & information
Bright Copper
RGB 206, 118, 84
Deep Copper
RGB 140, 75, 47
RGB 91, 112, 95
RGB 51, 51, 51
Bright Copper 10% tint
RGB 245, 228, 221
Deep Copper 10% tint
RGB 232, 219, 213
Jade 10% Tint
RGB 222, 226, 223
Charcoal 10% tint
RGB 235, 235, 235
Heading 1 / Heading 2
Font: Contralto Small
Weight: 400 (regular)
Size: 64
Line height: 70
Colour: #333333
Titles or short phrases at the top of a page. Other large section headings, no longer than a short sentence.
Heading 3
Font: ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro
Weight: 400 (regular)
Size: 17
Line height: 20
Colour: #333333
2–4 word headings. 3.5px letter spacing. White highlight/underline.
Intro Text & Pull Quotes
Font: ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro
Weight: 400 (regular)
Size: 24
Line height: 36
Colour: #333333
Larger and darker than body text
Body Text
Font: ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro
Weight: 400 (regular)
Size: 17
Line height: 26
Colour: #707070
For all other website text, in a slightly lighter charcoal