4 ways designers or agencies can use Brandpage

Want to be more efficient and add client value? Of course, most designers and design agencies would want to. But how?

Brandpage is a simple tool on first appearances, so you could be forgiven for wondering how else it can help you beyond the obvious. So we’re going to share 4 amazing ways you can use Brandpage for increased productivity and to look more awesome to your clients.

1. Brand identity delivery system

If you’re in the business of creating new or brand identities for clients, Brandpage is a great way to deliver the finished package to the client.

Let’s face it, delivering brand assets (or anything) by email doesn’t cut it anymore. Unless the recipient files them properly and immediately, the email will likely be lost and they’ll be back asking you for the assets again in no time.

Also, delivering assets by sharing a Dropbox folder is, well, a bit low-key isn’t it? Don’t get us wrong, Dropbox is a great tool, but we all get dozens of folder invites all the time, so it does’t feel special. And as it’s a two way street, there’s the issue of version tracking too – folders get messed up quickly if more than one person of people has access.

Delivering a new brand identity via Brandpage means you’re giving the client the full package in one go, in one place – logo formats, graphic assets, colour specs, font details, brand guidelines and more.

Done right, you should have an impressed client and no follow up requests for information or assets. What’s more, it give you a starting point to continue to manage their brand for them, going forward.

2. Brand guardian cheat sheet

Do you find it hard to get your designers to follow brand guidelines? It’s easier to keep your team on-brand when creating client work if the information is easier to access and digest. Managing a page for each client on Brandpage means they have easy access to the latest graphic assets, colours, fonts and so on. There should be no excuses for being current and consistent on the brand basics after that.

Likewise, if you’re a bigger brand agency and provide Brand guardianship as a service, Brandpage makes it easier to create a simple brand cheat sheet for reference by your team.

3. Remote freelancer briefing tool

If you use remote freelance designers to produce some of your work, you’ll know it can be difficult briefing and managing them. Getting them up to speed on the client’s brand is tricky. Why would they read a 50 page brand guidelines PDF before they get started? Time is money, right? And if no-one’s looking they’ll just wing it – but learning ‘on the job’ means more iterations, which is your time wasted too.

Supplying the basic brand details through Brandpage with your project brief means they should have everything they need in front of them, instantly. As an added bonus, you can add example brand executions to a page, giving them a head start getting a feel for the brand style too.

4. Brand audit template

What’s one of the first things you do when a client commissions you to update their brand? If you’re like us, you create a brand audit. But organising all the screenshots, logos, colours etc into a cohesive overview is time consuming.

Instead, create a brand audit on Brandpage, using it as a ready-made template to just fill in.

If you already use Brandpage in these ways or have other tips to share, we’d love to hear them. Email us at support@brandpage.net or Tweet us on @brandpageapp.

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